Meet the 30st woman who earns a living showing off her 8-foot-wide tummy on webcam.

Gayla Neufeld, 52, and stated, “I realised I was desirable, sexy, and beautiful, and I became confident in who I was.”

Meet the 30st woman who earns a living showing off her 8ft-wide belly to male fat admirers on webcam.

Gayla Neufeld, 52, spent years combating the flab but now utilizes it to seduce guys from all over the world, including her latest husband, Lance.

The happy pair has even exploited Gayla’s 96-inch asset to establish her new career as an international webcam model.

She remarked, “Growing up, I was ashamed of my belly, but today I have a large following of men who adore it.

“There had been males from all over the world.

“I’ve had doctors, lawyers, and a lot of bodybuilders approach me, which has amazed me.

“They say I have the ideal belly.”

“They remark it is not marred or scarred, and they like the shape because it is a single belly.

“Some larger women they have a double-layer or a two-tier belly but mine is a single. That is really attractive to a lot of men.”

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